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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Peeing In The Tall Grass

Have you ever heard the saying "If you wanna walk with the big dogs you gotta learn to pee in the tall grass"? From a financial interpretation it means that you have to improve your selling tactics in order to make more money and be recognized by your boss. If we apply this "proverb" to Kingdom life it means that in order for you to grow spiritually then you have to do things according to the word of God.

A life of sin is easy. It is easy because the devil makes it so. The devil wants us to galavant cursing people, sleeping with whomever wherever we please, trick people into giving us their money and things, steal, fight because we can not see eye to eye and many more ungodly acts.

When we choose to shed the sinner life the trying times start because we are giving up the things that we are used to. We are stepping out of our comfort zone and ofcourse we have that dirty old devil trying to lure us back.

I've got news for you! A life with God is sweeter and EASIER. It may seem hard because of your TRANSITION but it isn't. Do you know how awesome it is just knowing that your REWARD is in Heaven just because you chose God? Do you know how comforting it is to realize that God has been protecting you all your life even when you didn't choose Him?

I remember an early morning of July 2014 I was driving home from a party drunk as a skunk. I remember letting off a friend along the way. I vaguely remember arriving at the toll booth however I do remember paying the toll booth clerk. I remember going into my exit lane. I woke up just in time to swerve from crashing into a parked truck on the road where I live and to drive a few meters to my gate. Even in my intoxicated state I knew that God woke me up in time and He was the one who drove me home. After I slept and woke up I saw that even in daylight and a sober mind I have NEVER parked so perfectly in my life.

Saints we CAN survive Kingdom life. We can "pee in the tall grass". Have an intimate relationship with God. Ask God to lead you to the right place of worship where you can be a soldier for Christ. If you can't give money then give your time and talents.

Be blessed Saints.

Read John chapter 17

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Preserving Our Vessel

There are many words we can use to describe our human body. For now let us call it a vessel because as women we were created to carry another human being and that is the purpose of a vessel - to carry things.

A woman of God should by all means protect her vessel regardless of her circumstance. I believe that as long as we pray to God asking Him we can do so then we will be fine. Some changes take a longer time to manifest after we choose to serve God. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT IT BECAUSE GOD UNDERSTANDS! Remember that He is your father and He knows your heart.

It took me a while to give up fornication. At times during the act I had mixed feelings. I loved being with my partner because the pleasure was on point. But then sometimes there was the guilt of being in church wondering if God revealed my sexual acts to the leaders. I realized that the Holy Spirit is not one of disgrace even though other christians made it seem that way. For example, a christian woman gets pregnant out of wedlock. People say that God used the pregnancy to expose her fornication. I know my God isn't like that! Maybe their God is.

I drank alcoholic beverages when I wanted to ease some stressful tensions in my body. I didn't consume enough to make me drunk because that just isn't right. Our vessel has to be in an alert mode as the devil creeps in when least expect it.

Evil and lustful thoughts will eventually become a thing of the past.  We see so many things in real life and the media that can trigger our desires.

Sickness and disease is not of God and it can hinder us from worshipping and serving in His Kingdom. We need our full body to give praise unto our Father with dancing, singing and clapping.

Here are a few tips on preservation:
- Eat a healthy balanced diet. Taking vitamins and supplements is encouraged.

- Avoid viewing and listening to things of a sexual nature.

- Pray, pray and pray and invite God to purify and cleanse you with his blood. Ask for forgiveness everyday because we sin in our thoughts without even knowing.

Read Romans chapter 12

Why I Sold Out

"Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so..." I am sold out for Jesus Christ because he first loved me unconditionally.

I can never be perfect like my Lord and Saviour however he still accepts me. I can never be as loving a Jesus yet he stills grants me grace and mercies. I can never be as forgiving as He is yet he stills purifies me. With Jesus in my life it just gets better and better each day.

One would have to change bodies with me to understand the feeling that I have when I think of Him and all the things He has done for me during the 33 years I have existed on this Earth.

He is so worthy of all the praise I give Him and I don't think I praise Him enough. Jesus is so MIGHTY, so WONDERFUL, so POWERFUL, so PERFECT. I have to give the Son of the living God my all. Thanks to Jesus I am now "somebody". Because I accepted Him as the head of my life I am now Royal Priesthood, I live in favour, I step in glory, I walk with confidence and without fear, I am holy.

Thank you Jesus for saving me.


Greetings in the Mighty name of Jesus! I thank you for taking your time to read my blog. The idea of  writing about  Kingdom life was always brewing in the back of my mind. The name hit me after a sermon I heard one Sunday from our dear Pastor Johnson (Grace Christian Ministries Ocho Rios) about the three Hebrew boys not "bowing down". Pastor Johnson stressed that she is "sold out for Christ" and it was just one of the best slogans I have ever heard. A few weeks later a friend of mine called me one Sunday morning before church suggesting that I should use this medium to write about issues that female Christians face in Jamaica. This blog is intended to be real, direct and lead by the Holy Spirit. Do not expect diplomacy here as the Bible does not comfort us with lies. Happy reading and please leave comments and promote the site. Thank you and God Bless.

Read about the "Three Hebrew Boys" in Daniel chapter 3